俳句季語切れ字を織って我が友へ 季語切れ字初日織り込み贈りけり
  • 解釈:友人は床に飾って雪見酒。床の間や、友の故郷雪見酒。
  • Literal:In haiku, a texture presents a season word and punctuation words to my friend.
    I incorporated a season word and punctuation words with the first day and gave a friend it,
  • Interpretation:The friend displays one of it in the tokonoma and drinks sake while enjoying a snow scene.
    When I watch a tokonoma, I remember the hometown of the old friend and drink sake while enjoying a snow scene.

  • 俳句は短文なため、文意が完結していない。相手(鑑賞する人)がその句を読むことで、それなりの感想を抱き、作者の意図を汲み取る。
    Because a haiku is a short sentence, the meaning of sentence does not conclude. Because a partner (person appreciating it) reads the phrase, I have some impressions and absorb the intention of the author.

  • ある家庭があったとする。朝、働き蜂は、勤め先へ出かける。
    We assume that there was a household which has that. A worker bee goes out to a place of work in the morning.

    A housewife (house husband) murmurs "You. Today's 1st seems to be spring." at the back of the worker bee.

    A worker bee "I this morning am like the fine weather during the rainy season for you". With, he turns around incidentally in the next.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.